Julie Barron

Cell: (208) 305-7778


In addition to being a Realtor, Julie has spent the last 20 years as an educator and in addition to selling real estate, she teaches 3rd grade. Julie resides in Lewiston with her husband and two daughters. Julie is a lifelong learner and whether it’s helping someone learn a new concept or helping someone through the buying/selling process, she is dedicated and committed to whomever she works with. In addition, hard work, honesty, and integrity are part of her core values. Julie grew up a military brat, but her family settled down in Lewiston almost 30 years ago. Her father was a Realtor for 20 years and her sister is also a local agent, so real estate is in her blood. Since buying her first home 16 years ago, she has been interested in the real estate market and has enjoyed studying it ever since.
Julie’s hope is to help you navigate the process of buying or selling your next home