Marianne Shannon
Your Heart Let’s You Know When It Is Home!
…throughtout my life I have always been called to serve. I have served on Homeowners Associations, Chamber of Commerce Boards, PTA’s, fundraising for my church, along with many other random acts of kindness. My strengths have always been in organizing and connecting with people who share the same passion.
…I’m ready to get to work for you, so please call Marianne Shannon, 208-226-6309 and let’s see if we are a fit. If not, I can refer you to over seven hundred REALTORS® and Brokers, within the Silvercreek Realty Group statewide who are also ready to work for you!
…I was fortunate to be raised in a family that taught me the value of hard work, good habits and what you “do” and “say” are a reflection of your character. Today I continue to work hard, learn something every day and give back to others.
…I’ve been in Real Estate all my adult life. I started in retail and worked as a Marketing & Advertising Director for various shopping centers in both Nevada and California for over 20 years. After making my mark in Real Estate Marketing, I obtained my Real Estate license I became a New Home Specialist for several major homebuilders in Southern California and sold new homes for over 5 years. Also, during my shopping center career, I co-owned three coffee shops in Northern Califonia, which my sister managed. Now, a resident of Southern Idaho I am staying with my strength and passion which is Real Estate and people.