Shannon Kiehn

Office: (208) 290-7094
Cell: (208) 290-7094


I entered the real estate world as an agent in 2008, right in the midst of the housing market going through major shifts. However, I didn’t know any difference, I was new! So I just started building my business and doing what I love – helping people! But I fell in love with the real estate industry years before this when I bought my first home just before my daughter was born, in 1999. We had moved out of our rental to live in a trailer in order to save up a down payment and pay off debt. Finally we were ready! It was so exciting looking at tiny houses that fit our tiny budget. But none of that really mattered because this was going to be OUR house, where we would raise our family. There was such a feeling of pride, accomplishment, and excitement when we got the keys to our house. We lived in that tiny house for 5 years and from there, we moved from western Washington to Post Falls, Idaho in 2004 when my son was born.

A few years later, in 2008, I decided it was time to take the leap and do what I love by getting my real estate license. At this time we had just moved to Spirit Lake, ID and I fell in love with this town. There has been nothing better than helping people in the area buy and sell their homes! If anyone reading this has never been to Spirit Lake – it is a storybook little lakeside town at the base of a small mountainous range, with a population just over 2000. Raising my kids here was idyllic – they could ride their bikes safely around town, walk to school, go up to the ice cream shop with their friends (alone!) to get a treat or play at the park. Neighbors looked out for each other. I don’t think I even locked the doors to my house for years! To be honest, I don’t think this small town has changed too much from those days. There were, and still are, fun and unique events such as the now famous Spirit Lake Lawnmower Races held every Father’s Day weekend and a giant fireworks show at the baseball field for 4th of July.

What I love most about real estate is helping people reach their dream of home ownership, especially first time homebuyers! The excitement of handing someone over the keys to their new or first house…a dream they had been pursuing and working hard for…is hard to put into words. The closest word I can express is BLESSED – blessed to be a part of someone’s life story, to create a relationship and friendship with them that I hope will be life-long. And just as much, I love helping people who are selling their home, who are getting ready to move into the next chapter of their life, wherever that is. For me, it comes down to helping people reach their dreams in life in the real estate world, however I can, and whatever that looks like.

Thank you for reading this little section about me! I look forward to meeting you someday and helping you to reach your dreams