Your Needs Are Mine!
As a full-time real estate agent, located in Idaho Falls, with a background in appraising, investing, and managing properties, I am qualified to help guide you in buying your next home and getting the most value for your home when you sell.
I am also unique in the fact that I am truly motivated by the best interest of you, my client. If I don’t think a house is right, I will tell you not to buy it.
I started selling real-estate 4 years ago. Before that I was (and still am) a state certified appraiser. I was a successful appraiser for 33 years before I finally gave in to, my true passion, real-estate sales. I didn’t want to just play a small role in helping others purchase a new home or invest. I wanted to be a part of the whole adventure.
My other strong passion in life is family. My family is the most important treasure on this earth to me and I know that you probably feel the same way. I have always had a desire to help families grow and progress in the best environment that I can. Hence my next passion, selling homes to families and individuals.
I am a people person and enjoy building strong relationships with those that I come in contact with. I genuinely want to connect with others so that I can better serve and help those around me.
I am a full-time real estate agent/ professional with a background as a licensed and certified general real estate appraiser, investor, and landlord.